Antonyms for get up

Antonyms for (verb) get up

Main entry: lift, raise, get up, bring up, elevate

Definition: raise from a lower to a higher position

Usage: Raise your hands; Lift a load

Antonyms: bring down, let down, lower, get down, take down

Definition: move something or somebody to a lower position

Main entry: get up, uprise, rise, arise, turn out

Definition: get up and out of bed

Usage: I get up at 7 A.M. every day; They rose early; He uprose at night

Antonyms: crawl in, retire, sack out, hit the hay, hit the sack, go to bed, go to sleep, turn in, bed, kip down

Definition: prepare for sleep

Main entry: rise, arise, stand up, get up, uprise

Definition: rise to one's feet

Usage: The audience got up and applauded

Antonyms: sit, sit down

Definition: take a seat

Antonyms: lie, lie down

Definition: assume a reclining position

Main entry: trick out, trick up, tog out, tog up, prink, rig out, dress up, deck out, deck up, attire, overdress, get up, gussy up, fig out, fig up, fancy up

Definition: put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive

Usage: She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera; The young girls were all fancied up for the party

Antonyms: dress down, underdress

Definition: dress informally and casually

Visual thesaurus for get up